Command line training


  The GenoToul bioinformatics platform, Sigenae and SaAB (MIAT) offers a catalog of training sessions. If you need bio-informatic training on tools which are not covered in the existing catalog please feel free to contact us (please add “Request for training” in the subject of your demand). For example we have supports for a training presenting, sequence alignment, tree construction to define subfamilies and patterns or profiles detection in sequences. To get all administrative information have a look at the pricing page. If you need administrative help please contact: formation-pfbioinfo(at) For people working at INRAE ‘Toulouse center’, the INRAE ‘Formation permanente de Toulouse’ (FP) service can partially fund the cost of training sessions. To benefit from FP funding,  you have to ask the FP the training request form, fill it and return it to  fp-toulouse(at) signed by the lab’s training correspondent and the lab director so that the FP can study the  amount to fund  and ensure administrative follow-up.

Participating to one of our training does not entitle you to open an account.

Others bioinformatics core facilities provided bioinformatics training, please have a look to Institut Français de Bionformatique (IFB).

The training material are in English but the training will be delivered in French. Some courses are available on the INRAE e-learning Platform (please connect with your INRAE LDAP login/password).

Événement Date / Heure Organizers Vacancies Registration
Methods for phylogenetic trees construction - H. Chiapello - -
Phylogenomics and selection pressure - C. Hoede - -
Sequences alignment and phylogeny - G. Pascal - -
sRNAseq - J. Mariette - -
RNAseq de novo assembly - C. Klopp, C.Cabau
Genotoul/MIAT and Sigenae
- -
RNAseq alignment, quantification and transcripts discovery - C. Noirot, M. Zytnicki - -
First steps in AWK programming - C. Klopp, C. Gaspin - -
Improve your command line skills by learning a few words of Perl - P. Bardou, C. Cabau - -
Introduction to statistics with ASTERICS - N. Vialaneix - -
RNAseq alignment, quantification and transcript discovery with statistics - P. Bordron, N. Vialaneix, M. Zytnicki, J. Henry - -
Short-read alignment and small size variants calling - P. Bardou, C. Cabau - -
How to run a nf-core nextflow workflow on genotoul ? - C. Noirot; C. Hoede - -
Using sed and AWK to modify large text files - C. Klopp, C. Gaspin - -
Linux - D.Laborie, P. Bordron - -
Cluster - D.Laborie, P. Bordron - -
Analysis of shotgun metagenomic data 05/05/2025 - 07/05/2025
9 h 00 - 17 h 00
C Hoede, P. Ruiz 5 Register now
Introduction to Python 21/05/2025 - 22/05/2025
9 h 00 - 17 h 00
M. Zytnicki 5 Register now

To subscribe into a waiting list or if you need one of our training to be scheduled please send an email to formation-pfbioinfo(at)