The GenoToul bioinformatics facility provides access to high-performance computing resources, data analysis and programming expertise. Its permanent staff has many years of experience in supporting scientific programmes (software development, data analysis and training) in biology and bioinformatics. The main axis of development and scientific support include high throughput sequencing data processing (quality control, genome and transcriptome de novo assemblies, variation discovery, diversity analysis,…) and non coding RNA analysis.
- Resources include a high-performance informatics hardware infrastructure for large scale storage and computation, major generalist and specialized databank, and open source software.
- Services include, training sessions organisation, web sites and virtual machine (VM) hosting, expertise and scientific support to programmes in biology and in bioinformatics.
Membership in regional and national network
The bioinformatics platform GenoToul Bioinfo is a member platform of the national research infrastructure IFB (Institut Français de Bioinformatique) and is an associated platform of the national research infrastructure France Génomique.
At the regional level, GenoToul Bioinfo is one of the platform GenoToul (platform network in Toulouse region).
Genotoul Bioinfo is recognized as a strategic national platform by IBISA (Infrastructure en Biologie Santé et Agronomie). It is one of the strategic national platforms of INRAE (labellised ISC and member of Bioinfomics IR). It is certificated ISO9001 since 2010 and NFX50-900 since 2016.