Annual mobility campaign is open !

Annual mobility campaign is open !

Two posts of IE in development (workflows and software) assigned to the genotoul bioinfo platform are  open to the annual mobility campaign in the INRAE MIAT unit. These job profiles are reserved exclusively for permanent civil servants or agents on permanent contracts under public law. As part of this campaign, all applications must be submitted online (link available on the; applications by email will not be processed. All information will be available by following the above link from 18 July 2023, the opening date of the campaign.

Jobs description : 

Ingénieur-e workflow pour la génomique – Occitanie (

Ingénieur-e en développement logiciel appliqués à la génomique – Occitanie (

The IFB is also recruiting a devops who could be based in our team : Ingénieur-e Admin / DevOps – Occitanie (

Join us !