Introduction to statistics with ASTERICS (25/03/2024 - 26/03/2024)
The Toulouse Genotoul bioinformatics platform, in collaboration with the Genotoul Biostatistics platform, and the MIAT unit, organize a 2-day training session for biologists aiming at deepening their knowledge in statistics without having to learn programming languages (like R). The class includes theoretical parts and practical applications performed using the web tool ASTERICS (freely available online) and does not require any pre-requisite. The participants are encouraged to bring their own data for the practical application (not mandatory).

This training focuses on basic statistics, illustrated with the web tool for statistical analysis ASTERICS. It is taught by Nathalie Vialaneix. The course covers the following topics:
exploratory statistics in one and two dimensions, including plots (day 1)
statistical inference and statistical tests (day 2)
PCA and clustering (day 2)
The participants are encouraged to bring their own data to perform taught analyses on them. Otherwise, illustrative datasets will be provided in course material.

The session will take place in the room ‘salle de formation MIAT’ at the INRAE center of Toulouse-Auzeville, Building C8.

Biostat part : Material (the course material can be updated until the week before the training session)
Bookings: Introduction to statistics with ASTERICS
Bookings have closed for this event.